ApartTogether is a global study to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants. It is a collaboration between World Health Organization and a group of researchers led by Ghent University and University of Copenhagen. The aim of this research is to learn more about how Covid-19 is experienced by Migrants and Refugees and what helps them cope.
In order to make an evidence informed policy to help refugees and migrants better cope with the pandemic and for them to have better access to healthcare and information, the survey asks questions about socio demographics; Covid-19 – health status, understanding of measures, ability to follow preventive measures; daily stressors; psychological and social well-being, stressors in the family or domestic violence, experiences of discrimination, sense of belonging/solidarity, and support systems.
In collaboration with key UN partners, the insights from this survey will be used to inform policy and decision-makers on how they can better support refugees and migrants during and after this pandemic. However respondents do not benefit directly by participating in this survey, only collectively through improved policies or evidence- informed decisions by WHO and public health decision makers at large.
Participation in this study is anonymous, and therefore the information you provide cannot be linked to your identity. All research results and related publications will be made available through this and WHO websites and other official communication channels.
Thank you for filling out this survey!
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The Apart Together Team
There are 36 questions in this survey.